Saturday, 7 November 2015



We are all here because we have come to terms with the fact that MLM is real. It is the business of the 21st century.
So why MLM?
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the salesforce are compensated not only for sales we generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that we recruit. This recruited salesforce is referred to as the "downline", and can provide multiple levels of compensation. This is typically what we do in Longrich.
A lot of people associate the word MLM with scam, fraud or gambling. And I won't blame them.
I'm sure some of us in our prospecting careers and encountered people who do not even want to hear the word MLM no matter the car or house your MLM gave you.
I used to be one of such people and I will tell you why those categories of people exist.

1.) It could be that they have invested money in fraudulent companies claiming to be MLM and never got anything in return.

2.) It could be that they invested money in a good MLM and didn't work.

3.) It could be that their sponsor lied to them about how MLM works, made fake promises and they lost money
Now these are just 3 of the many reasons why people run away from MLM.

Today we now know that not all MLMs are fraud.
There are a lot of pyramid and ponzi schemes out there these days posing as MLMs and defrauding people of their money and giving good MLMs a bad name. But the truth is that there are many good MLMs out there like Longrich which has come to stay and to change our lives for good.
We have come to embrace MLM as a plan B but I tell you that if you commit, it could even be your primary source of income.
We have to know the difference between pyramid and MLM so that when we encounter those "I don't do MLM people" you can now know how to talk to them and appeal to them.
Infact let me share a story of my encounter today.
A young man I know invited me for a business meeting today. I went to him, we sat down and he started talking Aim Global. I listened quietly, to cut the long story short, by the end of the meeting he was asking me how much to sign up with Longrich
When you have understanding and passion for what you do, you become unstoppable.🏾
So, difference between MLM and pyramids or ponzi schemes. How will you know? Some of them are too good to be true. Here are some things to look out for;
1. Find out when the company was founded. All of the top 50 MLMs have been around for 10 years, and most more than 20 years.

Please don't get me wrong, There are certainly some legitimate startup MLMs, but treat a company that has been around for less than 10 years with caution. Since pyramid schemes are illegal, the top executives generally close their doors as soon as they turn a decent profit.
2. Always do a research. Thank God for the internet we now have access to information. Always carry out a broad research on any MLM that crosses your path. In my opinion if they don't rank top 100 in the world, it's not a good MLM. This is another reason Longrich International stands out.
3. Look at the compensation plan carefully. MLMs make their money off sales and recruitment  rather than the contributions of new members via sign up fees. A good MLM wants to recruit and keep better salespeople, so they compensate them well.

Pyramid schemes will glaze over the compensation details of the lower tier to tell you how much money you can make after getting promoted. They offer bumper harvest you can't resist. I will elaborate on the above a bit. In MLM, they make leaders who in turn can make more leaders.
In pyramid schemes, there is always someone at the top who nobody can earn more than. In fact, no matter how much you work you can never get to the rank of whoever is at the top.
In MLM there is little or no sign up fee, a product or service that people can relate with.
In Longrich, there is no extra sign up fee, you get amazing daily consumable products for the value of your money plus points. Another reason why Longrich is unbeatable.
So I have been able to distinguish between pyramid/ponzi scheme and MLM. There are so many points but these are the ones we can relate with on every level.
If you can give those "I'm afraid to lose money" people these points, you might be able to change their minds about MLM.
A good MLM is not a get-rich-quick scheme. I do not stop saying this because so many people are misled and eventually abandon their MLM when quick money isn't coming in.
Please and please, when prospecting, always encourage them to be patient and consistent. If you tell them to join and show them your earnings, it will bite you in the ass  (excuse my french) because when the millions you promised them doesn't start flowing immediately, they will call you a scam.
Longrich is not a pyramid scheme, it is a well structured and organised MLM company that has come to give your life a whole new lift!
A network is a chain! And a chain has no end.
So if you must belong to a network, you have to work. Once you stop working, you break the cycle. In Longrich, we believe in team work and partnership! Now that we have little insight on MLM,

Why Longrich?

Longrich has changed my life! I cannot stop talking about Longrich. I used to laugh at my sister Hannah, when she talks all day about Longrich. Now I feel like my day is incomplete if I haven't told someone about Longrich. Which company pays you for brushing your teeth please? NONE!!!!!!!!!! But longrich does. Longrich pays you for bathing.
Why Longrich! Daily consumables. You don't even have to talk too much. The products speak for themselves.
Why Longrich? No hidden sign up fees! What you see is what you get! You get your money's worth at entry level.
You get to choose your products by yourself. The company doesn't force it's products on you.You are under no obligation whatsoever to sell the products. Enjoy your products for yourself and your family and still get paid.
No monthly purchase target.
Now it gets better! All the company simply wants from you is 3 people.Only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You also tell your 3 people to apply the same formula and so o  and so forth!
So, if you are yet to get on board, you have to come on board.
Truly you have nothing to lose.
You know why you are here? Because someone loves you and wants you to make it in life. So before you sleep, text or call whoever introduced you to Longrich and thank them.That person loves you and wants the best for you.I'm not kidding !  Here in Longrich we don't just sign you up and abandon you. We work as a team. We encourage you.So if your fear is how to get prospects. Fear no more, if your upline lives near you, better attach yourself to him or her, learn the ropes. Attend seminars and lectures as they are very very important. You have to know every detail and it won't happen overnight. The more you hear, the more it builds you. Even the bible says, Faith cometh by hearing. If your upline is far from you! Thank God for New Era group, add your prospects here. We will climb the ladder of greatness as a team.To succeed in MLM you have to decide and define what success means to you.
I'll take that again, to succeed in MLM you have to define and decide what success means to you..
Finally, when prospecting, be careful so you don't come off as pushy, else once people see you they will start dodging you .
I hope with this few points of mine I have been the able to convince and not confuse you on reasons why Longrich should be your preferred choice.
Remember, the power to make it in life is in your hands.

You never know how much of a sales person you are until you try.
Have a blissful day!

Sunday, 1 November 2015


Remember you are a Goal Getter. Your short term Goal for this week is very important in realizing your Big Dream.
Faith without works is dead. Do not just believe it can happen, start working it out now. Put in your best effort and see things turning around for your good.
Leaders sacrifice things to achieve success, all the pains goes off like smoke the day they become "The Celebrity".
Can this week be a turning point to a successful business for you?
Stand up as the champion that you are. Move on to getting/achieving your goal. Build up your success story now.
Now is the time to start working it out. Remember that you are a product of your choice .
You can do it, believe in yourself. Get Your Goal!!



Become a member and enjoy all these plus the compensation plan is just amazing and you would see a tremendous change in your lifestyle.

1. Fast moving daily consumable products sanitary napkins, pantyliners, bamboo soaps, mosquito repellent sprays, mouthfreshners, bodywashes/creams, baby shower gels, health wines, antiperspirants, handcreams, toothpaste, shampoos, coffee, water purification system,teas, effective nutritional supplements, energy cups, alkaline energy cups, nutrivrich vegefruit drinks etc.

2. Weekly bonus payments ('green thursday')

3. No monthly target , no pressure work at your pace to grow in ranks (only a one-off N45,000, N100,000, N220,000 and N520,000 investment)

4. Points (PVs)are cumulative, no loss of points due to inactivity.

5. Only 3 direct downlines (legs) require

6. Product driven business (highly effective products with many amazing testimonies).

7. Earn on all generations till infinity.

8. Multiple earnings (earn in multiple registerations), Make money when you build 2 legs, achieve financial freedom with car, travel and house incentives when you build 3 legs.

9. Products are ISO (international standards organisation) and NAFDAC certified.

10. LONGRICH is the only mlm company operating in nigeria that was rated tops in 2012 top MLM companies in the world

Sunday, 18 October 2015


Founded in 1986, Longrich is a leading International Chinese company that manufactures a wide range of household cleaning, personal care, health care and pet care products.                                                                              
Longrich International
The company currently operates from 8 research centers in up to 3 continents and has an employee base of 35,000 employees world wide. Its trademarks are registered in 183 countries with products sold in more than 50 countries and regions around the world including, Malaysia,Taiwan, Hong kong, Philippines, Nigeria, South Africa, UAE, Korea, Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, Singapore, Cameroon, Ghana, and the United States. It runs a research facility in Longliqi Bioscience industrial park in China and engages in high technology production. With a mission of commitment to a healthy and beautiful lifestyle, Longrich has a wide range of affordable and effective products to enhance your wellbeing.